Energy Efficiency Credit Program

2025 Program

Energy-Efficient Heat Pumps and Resistive Heat Equipment Rebates


All air-source heat pump incentives are based on the total “size” of the heat pump system’s outdoor unit or (in some case) units, specifically the outdoor unit coil capacity in tons; while the indoor unit(s) impact the system efficiency ratings, indoor exchange unit capacities are not to be included in the total system size on the rebate application.  One ton is defined as 12,000 BTUs for this purpose.

·         Note:  Rebates must be requested within 90 days of installation.

·         Attachments – receipts (including breakout of equipment and labor); AHRI Certificate required

Heat Pumps – Tri-State’s Contribution                                        Heat Pumps – Northwest Rural’s Contribution


Electric Heat Pump – Air Source                                                                                        

Ductless Air-Source Heat Pump


·                      Minimum eligibility – EnergyStar version 6.1 minimum standard and\or – 7.8 HSPF2                                                   

o    $500 for systems equal to or, less than 1.5 tons (18,000 BTUs)                          

o    $1,500 for systems greater than 1.5 tons (18,000 BTUs)

o    Rebate can not exceed 50% equipment cost


Ducted Air-Source Heat Pump


·                        Minimum eligibility EnergyStar version 6.1 minimum standard – 7.8 HSPF2

o    $500 for systems equal to or, less than 1.5 tons or 18,000 BTUs

o    $1,500 for systems greater than 1.5 tons or 18,000 BTUs

o    $500 bonus for dual-fuel with propane



Air to Water Heat Pumps


o    $500/ton



                                                                                                  Northwest Rural PPD rebate Electric Heat Pump - Air Source                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 $150.00 / Ton*

* when - conversion from any fuel source other than electric, and new heat pump as part of a new build                     



Electric Heat Pump - Ground Source                                                


·         $500 per ton for new systems including the field or well(s)

·         $250 per ton for replacement systems

·         $100 per unit for ground source heat pump powered hot water (a.k.a. desuperheater)


Northwest Rural rebate Electric Heat Pump – Ground Source

                                                                                                                                $150.00 / Ton*            

* when - conversion from any fuel source other than electric, and new heat pump as part of a new build                               



Electric Thermal Storage (ETS) and Thermal Slab Units

Controlled Off-Peak Heating Electric Units                                                       Controlled Electric Units 
Product Requirements:  Units must be controlled by timers or a master control system.  Minimum qualifying load for ETS is 1 kW.


Controlled Off-Peak ETS units / timers   $16/kW                   ETS units / timers                                    $4kW                    $20/kW

Thermal Slabs (heated floor/timers)          $12/kW                 Thermal Slabs (heated floor/timers)        $4/kW                   $16/kW

                                                                   Uncontrolled Electric Units                                                  Total

                                                                Resistive                                                  $8/kW                   $8/kW
                                                                                ETS                                                         $12/kW                 $12/kW



Air Source Heat Pump Quality Install


Installers must complete training and complete required application to qualify for incentives. Contact Tri-State to enroll interested contractors.

·         Attachments – completed forms should be attached to the heat pump application form.

·         Multiple units installed at one account are subject to a limit of one (1) installer incentive.

·         Installer application spreadsheet is available on the MIC



·         Base Tier / no certification required - $100 per installation

·         Quality Install Tier/certification required - $350 per installation

·         $100 Bonus incentive available for A/C only to air-source retrofit, must include picture of existing equipment

Product & Application Requirements

·         Base Tier validation

o    Provide contractor information

o    Provide equipment make & model

o    Attach detailed receipt

·         Quality Install Tier validation

o    Select contractor information from pull down menu

o    Provide equipment make & model

o    Attach detailed receipt

o    Attach completed QI form attached
