Energy Efficiency Credit Program
2025 Program
Energy-Efficient Heat Pumps and Resistive Heat Equipment Rebates
· Note: Rebates must be requested within 90 days of installation.
· Attachments – receipts (including breakout of equipment and labor); AHRI Certificate required
Heat Pumps – Tri-State’s Contribution Heat Pumps – Northwest Rural’s Contribution
Electric Heat Pump – Air Source
Ductless Air-Source Heat Pump
· Minimum eligibility – EnergyStar version 6.1 minimum standard and\or – 7.8 HSPF2
o $500 for systems equal to or, less than 1.5 tons (18,000 BTUs)
o $1,500 for systems greater than 1.5 tons (18,000 BTUs)
o Rebate can not exceed 50% equipment cost
· Minimum eligibility EnergyStar version 6.1 minimum standard – 7.8 HSPF2
o $500 for systems equal to or, less than 1.5 tons or 18,000 BTUs
o $1,500 for systems greater than 1.5 tons or 18,000 BTUs
o $500 bonus for dual-fuel with propane
o $500/ton
* when - conversion from any fuel source other than electric, and new heat pump as part of a new build
· $500 per ton for new systems including the field or well(s)
· $250 per ton for replacement systems
· $100 per unit for ground source heat pump powered hot water (a.k.a. desuperheater)
$150.00 / Ton*
* when - conversion from any fuel source other than electric, and new heat pump as part of a new build
Electric Thermal Storage (ETS) and Thermal Slab Units
Controlled Off-Peak Heating Electric Units Controlled Electric Units
Product Requirements: Units must be controlled by timers or a master control system. Minimum qualifying load for ETS is 1 kW.
Controlled Off-Peak ETS units / timers $16/kW ETS units / timers $4kW $20/kW
Thermal Slabs (heated floor/timers) $12/kW Thermal Slabs (heated floor/timers) $4/kW $16/kW
Uncontrolled Electric Units Total
Resistive $8/kW $8/kW
ETS $12/kW $12/kW
Air Source Heat Pump Quality Install
· Attachments – completed forms should be attached to the heat pump application form.
· Multiple units installed at one account are subject to a limit of one (1) installer incentive.
· Installer application spreadsheet is available on the MIC
· Base Tier / no certification required - $100 per installation
· Quality Install Tier/certification required - $350 per installation
· $100 Bonus incentive available for A/C only to air-source retrofit, must include picture of existing equipment
Product & Application Requirements
· Base Tier validation
o Provide contractor information
o Provide equipment make & model
o Attach detailed receipt
· Quality Install Tier validation
o Select contractor information from pull down menu
o Provide equipment make & model
o Attach detailed receipt
o Attach completed QI form attached